My Story: Digital Marketing to Blogging

My name is Jacky De Klerk and this is my “Love for Pets Blog” – Petpawtential.

I started this blog as a side project, because in “REAL LIFE” I am a Digital Marketing consultant, Web Agency owner, and Serial Entrepreneur. I wanted to create something, I can leave behind for my family as a Legacy. Something that will not be difficult for them to maintain and that will give them a steady passive income. So, there is method in my madness.

Petpawtential was born out of my natural love for pets. I find animals to be trust-worthy, loyal, caring and all the little bits in between. They give meaning to many people in life and it includes my family. We have 4 dogs, a bird and a few tarantulas. At a point we also had fish, a cat and even a snake.

Now you already know why I wanted to blog about pets, but I did not yet share the story behind it.

In 2018 I won an online competition for the best online business started within 3 months. (All from scratch). The price included an all expenses paid Island Hopping trip for two. When my hubby and I came back from our awesome trip, I decided to start an online magazine about Cake Decorating.

A software company saw what I was doing and was employed as a consultant to teach their users how to use the platform I was using for my magazine. Today, I am still a consultant, but is now called a Success Coach. Every single time I teach someone on the platform how to do something specific, I always use the Pet Industry as an example.

I also created a course on how to create your first Digital Magazine and monetize it for passive income, and in the course Pets are the example too. History keep repeating itself and it is always pets…

So, let’s fast forward a bit. Being a Digital Marketer and building websites is not something everyone would like to do or even know how to do successfully and it includes my hubby and my kids. If something happens to me, the business will die slowly as there will be nobody to maintain it. It got me thinking and I asked myself a few questions:

  • What do I talk about alot?
  • What other things do I love beside designing and creating?
  • What do I spend money on?
  • What can I create that can leave a legacy when I am gone, and that is easy to maintain?

The answer was clear: A Pet Blog.

To be honest. I knew the effort and hard work it takes to get a Blog started and just like everything else in life, nothing is a guarantee, especially blogging. You do not know, what you do not know! But, what I do know:

  • I love pets
  • I love writing…even if English is not my first language
  • I love researching and learning

That is all I need. So, if you love pets then this blog is for you. Make sure to bookmark my site, and download your FREE Pet Treat Recipe Book on my homepage.